
AMR Training Course
Teachers Toolkit

These will be the main results


ROMOTICS will offer innovate teaching and learning practices. We will achieve the upskilling and reskilling of Automation and robotics students. We are also going to achieve the improvement of the educational offer. We are going to offer Training for teachers in Challenge-Based Collaborative Learning approach emphasizing in the importance of the development of transversal skills of students so that they are able to adapt to the continuous changing working environments.

The two main outcomes we will provide are a high quality Training course in Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) with self assesment tests and a Teachers toolkit with 6 real challenges for Automation and robotics learners using a ChallengeBased Collaborative Learning approach. The outcomes will be available in the E-learning platform. The platform will also count with a repository so that Teachers and students can share other challenges that are being implemented at their HE and create sinergies



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